niedziela, 5 października 2008

Five Cardio Mistakes

Whether you are just starting out, or a cardio veteran, don't make these common mistakes:

1. Not being safe.

Cardio safety means wearing the kill switch cord on machines and pausing your headphones when you run through an intersection. Cardio safety means wearing clothes that won't get caught on a fence and wearing proper shoes that support your feet. Being safe while performing cardio means you can exercise again and again.

2. Going too hard, too long.

Cardio doesn't have to be an hour long. Actually it should rarely be an hour long unless you are training for an endurance event. Furthermore, cardio should not be performed at maximum intensity the whole way through. If you do cardio in the morning and you are tired by noon. Or you regularly feel fatigued and even cranky, you need to take it easy and throw some intervals in to your routine.

3. Not knowing when to rest.

If your knees and hips hurt, if you have exercised everyday for weeks, if you are never hungry and exercise is not fun anymore, you are suffering from over training. Over training can cause depression, anxiety and a variety of psychological and physical problems. Rest is a sure fire way to feel great about every workout before, during and after the session. If you think you are over training take half to a whole week off to rest and eat healthy.

4. Refusing to change the routine.

If you always run 10 miles an hour for 30 minutes everyday, your body is on to you. It's not challenging and you will not see results. The body learns and adapts quickly. When you exercise, cardio or otherwise you want to challenge yourself constantly, to stimulate progression. No new routines, no new results! Don't be so stubborn!

5. Not eating and drinking enough.

Not enough water before and after exercise causes muscle cramping, headaches and fatigue. Food is your body's fuel to complete a great workout. You need stored carbs for energy and protein for muscle repair. If you are dieting make sure you are not skimping on calories where it counts, like when you need energy for a purposeful cardio workout.

Cardiovascular activity is a necessity for losing weight and strengthening the most important muscle of them all...The heart! Exercise consistently and use these tips to make the most out of every session for cardio that works!

Go Get 'Em!

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