niedziela, 10 stycznia 2010

Vertical jump test

Vertical jump measurements are used primarily in athletic circles for measuring performance, and as something athletes brag about among themselves. The most common sports in which A's vertical jump measured, athletics, basketball, football and volleyball, but many sports measure their players' vertical jumping ability during medical examinations. Vertical jump is a commonly used metric in the fairness test used, especially in sports like basketball and American football. Vertical jump 40 inches or more is considered excellent. Some athletes even have vertical jumps of over 50 inches, which is very rarely recorded.

Is the most common misconceptions about a vertical leap that the measurements are shown Athlete 's ability to lift the country out of the ramp, in contrast to the rest. The effect of this misconception is that many athletes grossly inflated their vertical jumps. In addition, the athletes got to "trick 'existing systems. Vertec can be deceived by far too high in the first measurement in general as " He shrugged ".

See also Aerobic capacity test.

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