Cardio stress test is a medical test that indirectly reflects arterial blood flow to the heart during exercise. Compared with the blood flow at rest, the test reflects the differences in blood flow to the heart's are the left ventricular muscle tissue - part of the heart, which leads the largest amount of work pumping blood. Cardio test results can be interpreted as a reflection of the person's general physical condition. First standardized cardiac stress test developed in 1929 by Arthur Master, a doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. The patient is either on the treadmill and is given by intravenous (iv) administered drugs, the performance associated with electrocardiogram (EKG) machine, usually with 10 standard connection used to simulate the record 12-lead ECG. The amount of exercise is increased in 3 minutes stages gradually increased grade (% incline) and speed (km / h km / h, etc.). Patient's symptoms and blood pressure checked again. With the use of ECG and blood pressure monitoring, testing itself is variously described as a cardiac stress test, stress test, exercise robots to test resilience to stress test or stress test ECG. In some patients with abnormal resting ECG, or those who do not have to make sure "practice " pharmacologically place to treadmill walking. The patient usually receives the drug dipyridamole or adenosine (both vasodilators) or dobutamine (which stimulates the heart rate and pumping strength), while the cardiologist or nurse of ECG monitoring, surveillance and blood pressure regularly.
Radioactive (generally, the technetium-99m sestamibi or thallium-201) injection in the simulated exercises. After a reasonable wait time images are captured with a gamma camera were. Photos will be judged by the patients in comparison's pictures in silence over the status of the patient's coronary arteries. If the radionuclides are used, is usually as a nuclear stress test. Since the ability to visualize the relative amounts of radioisotopes in the heart muscle to have the nuclear stress testing to identify more precisely to regional areas of decreased blood flow. However, diffuse flow global ischemia (blood, which is reduced uniformly distributed), can not recognize as an absolute blood flow is not measured quantitatively, but only regional differences.
See also aerobic capacity definition.
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