niedziela, 17 stycznia 2010

Reverse vasectomy success rate

Rate of succes for reverse vasectomy info.

Vasectomy reversal surgery, there are two outcome measures of success: the throughput rate, or the return of moving sperm in the ejaculate after vasectomy reversal and pregnancy rates. Patency rate is really a measure of the surgical decision-making and technical skills in the vasectomy reversal and must be carefully considered when evaluating the quality of a surgeon. Remarkably, moving show vasovasostomy 95% of men with sperm in the ejaculate within 1 year after vasectomy reversal. It is interesting that almost 80% of these men were moving achieved within 3 months after vasectomy reversal. Epididymovasostomy case is different. First, fewer men will eventually be reached, mobile sperm and time to move sperm to epididymovasostomy takes longer than for vasovasostomy. This probably reflects the natural regeneration of biology to long-term disability after vasectomy reversal to relieve.

Vasectomy reverse itself

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