poniedziałek, 4 stycznia 2010

Dota teamplay. Role of balanced heroes. [Guide]

When thinking about winning in Dota tournament think about the concept of complementarity, or a well-rounded team. For example, you can absorb Centaur, BB and DK much damage, do not hand out much damage as, say, SF or Drow. You can see that from their statistics and skills Description:
The former high HP attack, but slower, while the second has low HP, but a quick attack with a lot of physical damage. When you throw in deactivation and / or magical damage dealer, you get a well-rounded team.
Another approach provided above, it is a point-point-dependent and independent hero. Lich, Warlock veno Rooftrellen or require that almost all objects in general, while the PL and Sniper. Da \ 'sa limit to how much gold can be managed team \' s the best position are dependent characters (eg make heroes) of gold and item support independent hero.

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